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Digital signal processing processor remote control lift rod

Time:2020-11-06 View:

Digital signal processing technology is one of the technologies needed by remote control lift rod.


DSP chip, also known as digital signal processor, is a kind of microprocessor especially suitable for digital signal processing operations. Its main application is to realize various digital signal processing algorithms in real time and quickly. According to the requirements of digital signal processing, DSP chips generally have the following main features:
(1) one multiplication and one addition can be completed in one instruction cycle;
(2) the program and data space are separated, and instructions and data can be accessed at the same time;
(3) the chip has fast RAM, which can be accessed simultaneously in two blocks through an independent data bus;
(4) hardware support with low overhead or no overhead loop and jump;
(5) fast interrupt processing and hardware I/O support;
(6) have multiple hardware addresses generator that operate in a single cycle;
(7) multiple operations can be performed in parallel;
(8) pipeline operations are supported so that operations such as finger retrieval, decoding, and execution can be overlapped.
Of course, compared with general-purpose microprocessor, other general functions of DSP chip are relatively weaker

Speech Signal processing
Speech Signal processing is one of the important branches in signal processing. The main aspects include: Speech recognition, language understanding, speech synthesis, speech enhancement, speech data compression, etc. Various applications have their own special problems. Speech recognition is to extract the feature parameters of the speech signal to be recognized immediately and match with the known speech samples to determine the phoneme attributes of the speech signal to be recognized. As for the speech recognition methods, there are statistical pattern speech recognition, structure and sentence pattern speech recognition. These methods can be used to obtain important parameters such as resonance peak frequency, tone, voice, noise, etc, speech comprehension is the theoretical and technical basis of natural language dialogue between human and computer. The main purpose of speech synthesis is to enable computers to speak. Therefore, first of all, we need to study clearly the variation rule of voice feature parameters with time when pronouncing, and then use appropriate methods to simulate the process of pronunciation and synthesize it into a language. Other problems related to language processing also have their own characteristics. Speech Signal processing is the basis for the development of intelligent computers and robots, and the basis for the manufacture of vocoders. Speech Signal processing is a rapidly developing signal processing technology.

Image signal processing
The application of image signal processing has penetrated into various fields of science and technology. For example, image processing technology can be used to study the trajectory of particles, the structure of biological cells, the state of landform, the analysis of meteorological cloud images, the composition of cosmic stars, etc. In the practical application of image processing, remote sensing image processing technology, tomographic imaging technology, computer vision technology and scene analysis technology have achieved great achievements. According to the application characteristics of image signal processing, the processing technology can be divided into several aspects such as image enhancement, restoration, segmentation, recognition, coding and reconstruction. These processing technologies have their own characteristics and are developing rapidly.