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Technology of communication line lifting communication and remote control

Time:2020-11-17 View:

Lift Rod involves communication line technology in remote control or lift rod used for communication.


The seemingly simple communication line is a large section. In fact, the technology of communication lines is not as simple as you think. Communication lines include materials science, line transmission technology, production and manufacturing technology, design and construction technology, maintenance technology and protection technology in technology. Each link is highly technical, and communication line technology covers many disciplines, including machinery, chemistry, meteorology, geology, biology, materials, mechanics, etc. Let's briefly introduce:
1) line transmission technology: mainly studies and improves the performance of line transmission signals, which can ensure that signals can be effectively transmitted along the line. It involves electromagnetic field, propagation of electronic waves, multi-conductor loop transmission and other technologies. This technology studies how to prevent electromagnetic cross-talk between internal lines or external intrusions, which can ensure that the signals transmitted by itself are not seriously disturbed, so as to realize the reliability of transmission. It involves key technologies such as open line crossing, symmetrical cable balance, environmental electromagnetism, etc.
2) production and manufacturing technology: including the setting design, production and manufacturing process of various equipment of communication lines (such as wires, cables, optical cables, pole equipment, pipelines, connection devices, etc.), as well as the research and development of the performance of the raw materials used. At present, the production of line equipment, especially communications optical cable and all-plastic cables in the city, adopts process linkage and computer automatic control technology, which greatly improves the production efficiency.
3) design and construction technology: the communication line is outdoor equipment, and its installation and laying are limited by natural conditions such as topography, soil quality, meteorology and so on; At the same time, the distribution of residential areas, human factors such as the growth rate of communication traffic will also affect the construction and development of communication lines. The design and construction technology of communication line engineering has its own unique features, and different regions will adopt different technologies accordingly. Long-distance line survey, open line cross measurement, business forecast and bureau planning of the city telecom network, wiring system, cable pipeline technology, symmetric cable balance, connection technology, submarine Cable laying and so on are important technologies to ensure communication line engineering.
4) line maintenance technology: including a series of technologies and methods such as inflatable maintenance, daily overhaul, obstacle handling, electrical testing, etc.
5) line protection technology: including strong electric protection technology, lightning protection technology, line corrosion prevention technology and pest protection technology, etc.

The development of communication lines is also a continuous evolution process, from the initial overhead open line to symmetric cable, coaxial cable, and then to submarine optical cable. The electrical signal and optical signal transmitted in the line are also constantly changing: the direct current telegraph signal was initially transmitted; Then the voice band; later, the carrier band analog signal with a frequency of tens of MHz is transmitted, and now it has developed to a digital signal with a bit rate of hundreds of megabytes or even several gigabits per second. Moreover, when optical fiber enters the home, communications optical cable is gradually replacing the traditional open wire or coaxial cable. With the rapid development of new materials and technologies, the development of communication lines will be more wonderful.

Communication line equipment
Overhead line
-- Pole, wire, cable, wire carrier, insulator, cable and other ancillary equipment.
Buried line
-- Underground, underwater, submarine, pipeline cable, access hole, marking stone, waterline signboard, unattended carrier sending antenna, cable inflation station and other ancillary equipment.
Wireless line
-- Unattended microwave station, microwave passive reflecting plate, radio receiving and transmitting antenna, microwave and satellite communication ground station wireless, antenna feeder Tower, wire, waveguide and other ancillary equipment.