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The installation and protection range of the lightning receiver is up and down ightning rod

Time:2021-05-13 View:

Installation method
1. The first step in the installation of the lightning receiver is to prepare relevant tools and equipment. We usually need to prepare the lightning receiver, various connecting wires, metal belts, a wire fence and so on.
2. After we are ready, we can start to install the lightning receiver. Generally speaking, we need to install the underground device and grounding lead first, and only after these two installations are completed can we install the lightning receiver. Because the lightning receiver is the topmost thing of the lightning protection system.
3. Next, we will insert ightning rod into the flash receiver. Ightning Rod is a metal rod piece, which is usually relatively long. We find the socket, insert ightning rod into the Lightning receiver, and fix it.
4. Then we find the interface to install the lightning receiver on the grounding device and use a specific connecting line to connect the lightning receiver to the grounding device.
5. After installing the flash receiver, we also need to check all the connection items, whether the interface is fixed and whether the connection is correct. After confirmation, the installation of the lightning receiver is completed.

Scope of protection
The protection scope of the lightning receiver is determined according to the grounder method. The grounder method assumes that a sphere with a certain radius rolls along the parts that need to be protected against direct lightning. When the sphere only touches the lightning receiver and the ground without touching the parts that need to be protected, then this part is protected by the lightning receiver.
The calculation of the protection scope of the lightning receiver is listed in Appendix d'GB50057-2010 of the national standard of the People's Republic of China grounder code for design of lightning protection of buildings to determine the protection scope of the lightning receiver (ightning rod), two equal-height connecting flash rods, two unequal-height connecting flash rods, four equal-height connecting flash rods arranged in a rectangle, and a single connecting flash line (connecting flash belt and lightning belt), the calculation method of the protection range of the two equal height connecting flash lines is drawn, and the relevant schematic diagram is drawn. For a large number of technicians in the lightning protection industry, according to the method given in GB50057, some simple situations can be calculated, but in daily work, cases that are much more complicated than the above situations are often encountered, such as: multiple flash rods of unequal height and not arranged in regular form, flash lines of unequal height, the combined protection scope of connecting flash Rod and connecting flash line cannot be calculated manually for these complicated situations, which is also a common technical problem in lightning protection industry.

Related software
After years of research and development, Gao Lei launched version 1.0 of multiple computing softwares ranging from high to high lightning conductor protection in 2007 ', the software can calculate the protection range of up to four lightning rods of unequal height and arranged in irregular form; in 2011, an upgraded version of the software was released, "Version 2.0 of the software for calculating the combined protection range of multiple flashers'. The new version of the software successfully solves the above technical problems. It can calculate the combined protection range of the flash Rod and the Flash belt. The Flash Rod and the Flash belt can be of different heights, it can be one head high and one head low, or even lower than the current protection height. It can draw the plan and section of the protection range.